A son has come home to be buried.

Olha Dvornitskyj has tucked in her son, one last time, softly speaking to him. Apologizing. “I am so sorry that I couldn’t protect you. I wanted you to live. Be happy.”

Vjatjeslav Dvornitskyj has come home from the frontline to to his hometown of Zhytomyr to be buried. The twenty-eight-year-old captain was injured by shrapnel from a Russian artillery shell and lost too much blood to be saved.

“He loved to play the guitar when he came home on leave, I used to sit next to him, just to be close.”

Vjatjeslav was Olha and Viktor’s only child. The president Volodymyr Zelensky recently broke the silence regarding the number of killed Ukrainian soldiers. Sixty to one hundred soldiers lose their lives every day and around five hundred are injured. All over Ukraine more and more mothers and fathers are burying their children.

A soldier is taken to his hometown and buried.

The attack on Ukraine by Russia has killed thousands of people and forced millions to flee. The number of dead soldiers is a well-kept secret in the war but the UN estimates that more than 3 000 civilians have been killed, and hundreds of those are children. The war rages on many fronts and the killing continues.


Biology teacher Andrej Grebjonkin was killed in an attack on a school in Donetsk. His wife and brother in law identify him.

Biology teacher Andrej Grebjonkin was killed in an attack on a school in Donetsk. His wife and brother in law identify him.

Changing of the guards. A chess game and a cuddle with the “Military Cat” their ally in the war against the ever present rats.

Changing of the guards. A chess game and a cuddle with the “Military Cat” their ally in the war against the ever present rats.

Pro-russian separatists prepare for street fighting in the village of Slavyansk, led by Olga Kulygina from FSB.

Pro-russian separatists prepare for street fighting in the village of Slavyansk, led by Olga Kulygina from FSB.

Villagers of Grabove in Eastern Ukraine hold a memorial service for the dead after the shooting down of a Malaysian passenger plane. Debris from the plane and hundreds of dead are scattered around the village. The air is filled with the smell of dea…

Villagers of Grabove in Eastern Ukraine hold a memorial service for the dead after the shooting down of a Malaysian passenger plane. Debris from the plane and hundreds of dead are scattered around the village. The air is filled with the smell of death and burnt jet fuel.